How to send a variable to a sql script from a batch file or command line with sqlcmd -v 2008, R2, 2012, 2014

Topic: sqlcmd variable from a batch file to a sql script

Scripting is a powerful way to automate your systems.  It should come as no surprise to discover that SQL Server provides a way for developers to send in parameters to a sql script using a batch file via the sqlcmd utility (for SQL Server 2005 and later).  sqlcmd is a very versitile utility and I’ll be covering more of its uses in other posts but we’re focusing on sending a variable (possibly more than one) to a sql script either in a batch file or straight from the command line.  So without further ado, let’s take a quick look at the syntax…

sqlcmd -v <name of variable>=<value> -v <name of variable>=<value>

This first example is showing the basic idea around passing multiple variables in on the command line using the -v switch followed by the variable name equals value. To be practical, you might need to use a few other switches in order to tell sqlcmd the server you want to connect to ‘-S’ followed by the user (-U) and password (-P). The ‘-S’ is required for SQL Express and the ‘-U’ and ‘-P’ might be required if you’re using SQL Server authentication.  Last but not least is the ‘-i’ which tells sqlcmd  that there are input file(s) to follow.  Yes, you can have more than one of these as well and if you list more than one file they’ll be executed in order.

sqlcmd -S <sql server instance name> -U <username> -P <password> -v <name of variable>=<value> -i <your script.sql>[,file2...]

To really bring this home to roost we also need to know how to access the variable once it has been passed in to our sql script.  This is done by using the following…


So, now we’ve defined all the essentials let’s put it all together to make something that actually works.

First, we’ll create an extremely simple sql script named script.sql and place this code in it…

SELECT $(path);

Next, lets create a file named batchfile.bat and place the following inside of it…

sqlcmd -S EXAMPLESQL-COM-PC\SQLEXPRESS -v path="'C:\test\test'" -i script.sql,script.sql

From the command line (assuming both files are in the same place) we execute the batch file…

(1 rows affected)
(1 rows affected)

A couple of final notes.  I passed the same script file in twice just to show you what that look like.  There shouldn’t be any spaces between the files.  Also, the dealing with paths specifically, you’ll need to make sure you quote them properly like I did above or else they won’t work properly.  You’ll need to change the -S string to your sql server instance name if you want to give this a try.

Valid for SQL Server 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014.

Happy coding!

How to use the SQL Server RIGHT string function with T-SQL Examples 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014

SQL Server RIGHT function code

The SQL Server RIGHT string function gives us the ability to return a given number of characters from a string on its rightmost side.  For example, say we have the text ‘Bill Jones’.  We can use the RIGHT function to return ‘Jones’ without having to parse the string from the beginning.  Let’s look at some code…

RIGHT ( string , int )

The code above is the syntax of the RIGHT function.  The first parameter is a string and the second is an integer letting sql server know how many rightmost characters you want from the string in the first parameter.  Let’s go back to our initial example from above…

SELECT RIGHT ('Bill Jones', 5);

The result of this query are:


Pretty simple stuff.  To use the SQL Server RIGHT function in a more practical way we might use it with a table.  So, let’s define a table called Document and fill it with some sample filenames.  We’ll then use the RIGHT and LEFT functions to help us fill in the extension for each file.

-- create the document table
Filename VARCHAR(50),
Extension VARCHAR(10)

-- insert the demo rows into the document table
INSERT INTO Document ([Filename]) VALUES ('family.jpg');
INSERT INTO Document ([Filename]) VALUES ('lessons.docx');
INSERT INTO Document ([Filename]) VALUES ('schemas.xml');
INSERT INTO Document ([Filename]) VALUES ('');
INSERT INTO Document ([Filename]) VALUES ('');
INSERT INTO Document ([Filename]) VALUES ('secret.password');

-- get extension column size - this is a bit advanced since 
-- we are looking at the table's meta data to set our max
-- column size.  the query below works whenever you don't 
-- know the column size ahead of time and need to find it
-- dynamically.  
DECLARE @extensionColumnSize INT;
SELECT @extensionColumnSize = character_maximum_length    
    FROM information_schema.columns  
    WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Document' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'Extension';

-- get the extension for each filename
SET @i = 1;
WHILE @i < @extensionColumnSize
   UPDATE Document
   SET [Extension] = RIGHT([Filename], @i-1) FROM Document a
   WHERE (LEFT(RIGHT([Filename], @i),1)) = '.';

   SET @i = @i + 1;

-- table extensions should be filled in now
SELECT * FROM Document;

-- clean up by dropping/deleting table
DROP TABLE Document;

The first part of the example simply creates the Document table and fills it with six rows of data.  The second part is the juicy stuff.  First we find the maximum possible length of  an extension by getting the size of the Extension column from the database meta data.  Next, we loop from 1 to Extension column size which, in this case, is 10.  Each time through the loop we get the rightmost @i letters and check to see if a period is on the leftmost part of the string.  If it is a period then we update the Extension column with the rightmost @-1 characters (we don’t save the period).

I’ll admit that the example is not very simple.  However, you could ‘simplify’ the code above  as above but replacing lines 15-35 with the following…

UPDATE Document SET [Extension] = RIGHT([Filename], CHARINDEX('.', REVERSE([Filename]))-1);

It’s actually quite funny how much less code it takes.  The good thing with that one liner is that we don’t have to loop and deal with all kinds of variables and system tables but we do have to know about CHARINDEX and REVERSE…two more sql server functions.  I’ll be discussing those in later posts.  I think the first example, while perhaps a bit contrived, does provide some code that you might be able to repurpose for your own uses.  I cheated a little as well by also using the SQL Server LEFT function but you’ll find that they can be used together quite powerfully.

The results of the running code (either method) are below.

Filename                                           Extension
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
family.jpg                                         jpg
lessons.docx                                       docx
schemas.xml                                        xml                                          ps                                     report
secret.password                                    password

So thats the SQL Server Right function and hopefully the example above will give you some ideas of your own on how to use it.

Valid for SQL Server 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014

Happy coding!


Basic, Simple, Useful and Practical Examples of T-SQL SELECT 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014

Person.Person Table Definition

Topic: T-SQL SELECT (This article is about MS SQL Server)

If you haven’t installed SQL Server yet then you’ll need to get it here.

Data in your database is stored in a structure called a TABLE.  Tables have columns (hopefully with useful names).  On the surface, a table looks alot like an Excel spreadsheet and that can be a useful way to think about them when you’re just starting out.  The best way to learn about the SELECT command is by doing so let’s jump right into some examples.


Let suppose we have a database called AdventureWorks2012 (an example database available from Microsoft for free here) and a table called Person.Person.  It looks like this

Person.Person Table Definition

Person.Person Table Definition



You can imagine the table looking something like this under the covers…

BusinessEntityID FirstName MiddleName LastName Suffix EmailPromotion Demographics rowguid ModifiedDate
1 Billy The Kid Jr. Business 18-25 92C4279F-1207-48A3-8448-4636514EB7E2 2013-08-16 00:00:00.000
2 Gertude J Miller NULL Consumer 65+ F2D7CE06-38B3-4357-805B-F4B6B71C01FF 2012-11-23 00:00:00.000

As you can see it has the following columns: BusinessEntityID, PersonType, NameStyle, Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Suffix, EmailPromotion, AdditionalContactInfo, Demographics, rowguid, ModifiedDate.  In the image, you’ll see after the column name is some additional information in parenthesis.  This extra information is describing the type of data that particular column can hold.  I won’t get into it in this post but basically it is good database design to ensure that your data is consistent.  Therefore, you only put numbers in columns that take numbers and you only put dates in columns that accept dates and so on and so forth.

The quickest and dirtiest way to get information from a table is to execute a SELECT query like this:

SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2008.Person.Person

The asterisk (star) basically says to grab all columns from the table.


BusinessEntityID	PersonType	NameStyle	Title	FirstName	MiddleName	LastName	Suffix	EmailPromotion	AdditionalContactInfo	Demographics	rowguid	ModifiedDate
1	EM	0	NULL	Ken	J	Sánchez	NULL	0	NULL	<IndividualSurvey xmlns=""><TotalPurchaseYTD>0</TotalPurchaseYTD></IndividualSurvey>	92C4279F-1207-48A3-8448-4636514EB7E2	1999-02-08 00:00:00.000
2	EM	0	NULL	Terri	Lee	Duffy	NULL	1	NULL	<IndividualSurvey xmlns=""><TotalPurchaseYTD>0</TotalPurchaseYTD></IndividualSurvey>	D8763459-8AA8-47CC-AFF7-C9079AF79033	1998-02-24 00:00:00.000
3	EM	0	NULL	Roberto	NULL	Tamburello	NULL	0	NULL	<IndividualSurvey xmlns=""><TotalPurchaseYTD>0</TotalPurchaseYTD></IndividualSurvey>	E1A2555E-0828-434B-A33B-6F38136A37DE	1997-12-05 00:00:00.000
4	EM	0	NULL	Rob	NULL	Walters	NULL	0	NULL	<IndividualSurvey xmlns=""><TotalPurchaseYTD>0</TotalPurchaseYTD></IndividualSurvey>	F2D7CE06-38B3-4357-805B-F4B6B71C01FF	1997-12-29 00:00:00.000
5	EM	0	Ms.	Gail	A	Erickson	NULL	0	NULL	<IndividualSurvey xmlns=""><TotalPurchaseYTD>0</TotalPurchaseYTD></IndividualSurvey>	F3A3F6B4-AE3B-430C-A754-9F2231BA6FEF	1998-01-30 00:00:00.000

I’ve only shown the first five rows of data that were returned from the database but there are actually 19972 rows that are returned if you run the query as it is written.  While the query if fast to write, it isn’t always the best choice since it causes a lot of data to have to be processed and unless you actually need every column you should choose to select only the required columns for your application.  For example, suppose you only wanted the first and last name of the people in your table.  Here is the SELECT query:

SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM AdventureWorks2008.Person.Person


FirstName	LastName
Syed	Abbas
Catherine	Abel
Kim	Abercrombie
Kim	Abercrombie
Kim	Abercrombie
Hazem	Abolrous
Sam	Abolrous
Humberto	Acevedo
Gustavo	Achong
Pilar	Ackerman
Pilar	Ackerman
Aaron	Adams
Adam	Adams
Alex	Adams
Alexandra	Adams

I’ve only shown the first 15 names but this query returns the same number of rows as the previous query 19972.  All we’ve done is reduce the columns to the necessary ones.  What if we only wanted the first 100 rows?  Simple:

SELECT TOP 100 FirstName, LastName FROM AdventureWorks2008.Person.Person

Notice the TOP 100 right after the SELECT command.  That tells SQL Server to only pull the first 100 records.  What if we wanted to sort by FirstName?  This requires some new keywords ORDER BY.

SELECT TOP 15 FirstName, LastName FROM AdventureWorks2008.Person.Person ORDER BY FirstName;

I’m selecting the first 15 rows.  The default sort order is ascending.  Here are the results:

FirstName	LastName
A.	Leonetti
A.	Wright
A. Scott	Wright
Aaron	Adams
Aaron	Alexander
Aaron	Allen
Aaron	Baker
Aaron	Bryant
Aaron	Butler
Aaron	Campbell
Aaron	Carter
Aaron	Chen
Aaron	Coleman
Aaron	Collins
Aaron	Con

What if you want to sort descending?  Use the keyword DESC (which stands for descending).  There is a keyword for ascending as well…ASC.

SELECT TOP 15 FirstName, LastName FROM AdventureWorks2008.Person.Person ORDER BY FirstName DESC;

Ok folks, those are the essentials of the SQL Server SELECT command.  I’ve really only touched the surface of the capabilities of the SELECT command but the goal of this post was to expose you to the basics.  I’ll be writing more on the deeper details later.

Valid for SQL Server 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014.

How to use Transact-SQL DEALLOCATE with Examples – 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014


Topic: Transact-SQL DEALLOCATE

The purpose of the DEALLOCATE keyword in sql server is to remove a cursor reference.  SQL Server has data structures behind the scenes that are released once DEALLOCATE is executed.


DEALLOCATE { { [ GLOBAL ] cursor_name } | @cursor_variable_name }


-- not familiar with the .. syntax below?  check out this blog <a title="dbo .. syntax and the default database" href="" data-mce-href="">post</a> 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Hobbies') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #Hobbies

-- create the temp table
	article_name NVARCHAR(100)

-- fill the temp table with sample data
INSERT INTO #Hobbies (article_name)
('T-SQL'), ('wood carving'),('gardening'),
('reading'),('beer brewing'),('gaming');

SELECT article_name FROM #Hobbies;

-- create the variable we'll use to store data from the FETCH
DECLARE @articleName NVARCHAR(100);

------------------ CURSOR SPECIFIC CODE BEGIN --------------------
-- declare the fast_forward cursor.  notice we are essentially
-- using a SELECT query to build a list to iterate through
SELECT article_name FROM #Hobbies ;

-- now we have to open the cursor and tell it to go
-- acquire (i.e. FETCH) items from the temp table
OPEN hobbiesCursor
FETCH FIRST FROM hobbiesCursor INTO @articleName;
SELECT ('First Hobby Name: ' + @articleName );	
FETCH NEXT FROM hobbiesCursor INTO @articleName;
SELECT ('Second Hobby Name: ' + @articleName );	
FETCH LAST FROM hobbiesCursor INTO @articleName;
SELECT ('Last Hobby Name: ' + @articleName );
FETCH PRIOR FROM hobbiesCursor INTO @articleName;
SELECT ('Second to Last Hobby Name: ' + @articleName ) ;	

CLOSE hobbiesCursor ;
DEALLOCATE hobbiesCursor;


(9 row(s) affected)
wood carving
beer brewing

(9 row(s) affected)

First Hobby Name: cooking

(1 row(s) affected)

Second Hobby Name: crafts

(1 row(s) affected)

Last Hobby Name: gaming

(1 row(s) affected)

Second to Last Hobby Name: beer brewing

(1 row(s) affected)

Notice DEALLOCATE is at the very bottom of the code listing.  It’s role is simply to perform memory ‘clean up’.  A LOCAL cursor variable does not have to be deallocated since it freed when the variable goes out of scope (end of the batch, stored procedure, or trigger), however GLOBAL cursors should be freed unless you intentionally mean to reuse the cursor during the course of the entire database connection.  Additionally, If you are planning to reuse a cursor variable multiple times in your scope then you should deallocate the cursor variable as required.

Example SQL

USE AdventureWorks2008;

SELECT * FROM Person.Address;

DEALLOCATE @PersonCursor;

SELECT * FROM Person.EmailAddress;


For some of the deeper details of DEALLOCATE you can check out the documentation here.

Valid for SQL Server 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014.


How to Loop using SQL Server Cursor Fetch fast_forward – 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014

how to loop using sql server cursor fetch fast_forward tsql t-sql

In this post, describing how to loop using SQL Server cursor fetch fast_forward, I’m going to give an example of looping through a temporary table using a cursor and call a stored procedure for each iteration. The focus of this post is on the fast_forward cursor which is a shorthand way of saying the cursor is forward only and read only.  The fast_forward cursor type has performance optimizations enabled so this allows the speed to be about as good as possible.  The SQL Server query processing team wrote up a very technical and detailed article on how fast_forward cursors work and it can be found here.  It may come as a surprise that there are cursors that allow other actions as well.  I’ll be covering those in future posts.  On to the example…

The majority of code below is just wiring up code to run the example.  I create a stored procedure and temporary table which will be used by the cursor.  The cursor specific code is found on lines 55-83.


-- you should change this to whatever database you'd like to run
-- this example in.  I'm using AdventureWorks2008 since many folks
-- may already have it.  
USE AdventureWorks2008;

-- SAFEGUARD - check if the stored procedure exists and if so delete it
IF OBJECT_ID('[uspGiveRecommendationBasedOnFlag]') IS NOT NULL
	DROP PROCEDURE [uspGiveRecommendationBasedOnFlag];

-- create the demo stored proc.  we'll delete it when we're done.		
CREATE PROCEDURE [uspGiveRecommendationBasedOnFlag]
	@articleFlag BIT,
	@articleName NVARCHAR(50)
	-- you would do some actual work here in a real app
	IF(@articleFlag = 1)
		PRINT 'You should publish the article: ' + @articleName;
		PRINT 'You shouldn''t publish the article: ' + @articleName;

-- not familiar with the .. syntax below?  check out this blog post 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#cursorExample') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #cursorExample

-- create the temp table
CREATE TABLE #cursorExample (
	article_name NVARCHAR(100)

-- fill the temp table with sample data
INSERT INTO #cursorExample (flag, article_name)
(1,'T-SQL'), (0,'wood carving'),(1,'gardening'),
(0,'reading'),(1,'beer brewing'),(0,'gaming');

-- create the variables we'll use when inside the the loop
DECLARE @articleFlag BIT;
DECLARE @articleName NVARCHAR(100);

------------------ CURSOR SPECIFIC CODE BEGIN --------------------
-- declare the fast_forward cursor.  notice we are essentially
-- using a SELECT query to build a list to iterate through
DECLARE myCursorSample CURSOR fast_forward FOR
SELECT flag, article_name FROM #cursorExample ;

-- now we have to open the cursor and tell it to go
-- acquire (i.e. FETCH) the NEXT (i.e. first since this is the first call)
-- item in the list
OPEN myCursorSample
FETCH NEXT FROM myCursorSample INTO @articleFlag, @articleName ;

        -- DEBUG
        -- PRINT ('Before stored proc execution cursor value: ' + @articleName ) ;	

		EXEC	[uspGiveRecommendationBasedOnFlag] 
				@articleFlag = @articleFlag,
				@articleName = @articleName;

		-- get the next article from the table using the cursor
        FETCH NEXT FROM myCursorSample INTO @articleFlag, @articleName;

CLOSE myCursorSample ;
DEALLOCATE myCursorSample;

------------------ CURSOR SPECIFIC CODE END --------------------

DROP PROCEDURE [uspGiveRecommendationBasedOnFlag];

I tried to make the code as clear a possible with comments but I should point out a few things.  The SAFEGUARD comments are there only to show where I’m doing existence checks before actually performing an action on the database.  This is good practice for things like change scripts where running the same code twice shouldn’t cause errors or break something.  Second, this code is very well documented.  Although this amount of commenting is overboard for most production systems you should try to document why you’re using the cursor and perhaps your justification for doing so.  This should help minimize improper use of cursors in the codebase.  Lastly, while this example stored proc call isn’t doing anything a set based query couldn’t, you can imagine cases where based on values in a table you might have to carry out significant business logic actions which are not conducive to set based operations.

The results of the code execution are below.

(9 row(s) affected)
You should publish the article: cooking
You should publish the article: crafts
You shouldn't publish the article: flying
You should publish the article: T-SQL
You shouldn't publish the article: wood carving
You should publish the article: gardening
You shouldn't publish the article: reading
You should publish the article: beer brewing
You shouldn't publish the article: gaming

Valid for SQL Server 2005, 2008, R2, 2012, 2014.

how to loop using sql server cursor fetch fast_forward tsql t-sql
how to loop using sql server cursor fetch fast_forward tsql t-sql